Dr Virginie Monnet Corti

Doctor in Dental Surgery
PhD in Periodontology
Professor of Periodontology - Aix-Marseille University 
Hospital Practice - Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Marseille- Director of the unit of Periodontology 

Head of the Department of Periodontology 

Chairman of the two post-graduate programs in Periodontology and in Periodontal Plastic Surgery  

Past President of the French Society of Periodontology and Oral Implantology.  

Her research activities are focused on periodontal plastic surgery and esthetics in Periodontology and relationship with orthodontics. She leads, with other experts, a group of clinical research called Parodontia. 

Author and co-author of numerous national and international publications, chapters and a book of periodontal and peri-implant plastic surgery (third edition published in 2017). She gives conferences in numerous international scientific events and post-graduate’s programs on periodontology, implantology, orthodontics and esthetic dentistry.


Think Pink in smile esthetics

The visibility of the pink (the gum) during the natural and forced smile, periodontal health, gum contour, gum aesthetic line, the presence of papillae will allow to establish a gum aesthetic score, to determine the origins of the disharmony and the envisaged treatments. We will see through many clinical cases how, and at what point in the overall treatment plan, additive or subtractive periodontal plastic surgery can modify the gingival appearance and morphology in order to restore a harmonious smile. Our pink aesthetic goal and the patient's expectations should be achieved with "tailor-made" treatment plans that may consist of a purely periodontal approach or combine other odontological disciplines.